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The Purpose of SEO
To get your website to show up when people search for products you sell, services you offer, or information you provide. SEO’s use Google’s Search Engine Results Page (SERP) to organically obtain website traffic.
Google’s SERP receives more traffic than any other search engine. There are more than 3.5B searches per day on Google. Less than 1% click to the second page of results.
Goal 1:
Get every web-page possible to rank on the first results page of Google’s SERP.
Goal 2:
Once on page 1 of the SERP, increase rank to positions 1-3.
Goal 3:
Continue expanding organic reach by developing more content.
How to achieve SEO Goals
◉ Select a Specific Keyword
◉ Title Tag: 60 characters, keyword included
◉ Meta Description: 160 characters, keyword included
◉ H1: Keyword Included, only one H1 tag per page
◉ Image Size, Alt Text, Metadata
◉ Video Size, Metadata
◉ Content >= TF-IDF* Data Results
◉ Content Updated and Added Regularly
◉ Easy to Navigate
◉ Optimized for Mobile
◉ Page Speed <= 2 seconds
*TF-IDF (Terms and keywords that should be used in the
content, Frequency of said terms used, and Word Count)
◉ Links provide Google with knowledge on how others view your website
Ergo: The more Links, the more perceived value you have.
◉ The better the website, the better the link.
◉ Links provide equity, and they provide traffic. Good links provide both
◉ By providing content for other websites, you expand your opportunities for organic growth by establishing brand awareness. The more people that learn about your brand, the higher your organic search will increase
Evaluating SEO Results
Evaluate Website Ranking Data
What keywords are you ranking for? What positions are they in? How many are on the first page?
Evaluate On Page SEO
Is the Meta Data optimized? What is the page speed? Is the Content Optimized? What new content can be created? What Keyword Opportunities can we take?.
Evaluate Link-Building Opportunities
What new links have you acquired? Who else can you contact to build links and connections? What links/websites haven’t worked? What links are a result of link-building/outreach and which are not?